NEW 📗Story: Wristwatch

Feb. Update for Patrons


✿ This letter was sent out to Patrons in February 2021

Hello beloved Patrons,

It’s been a little while. I’ve called this meeting late because I’ve been working late. Let’s run this through quick, and we can all get back to bed.

  • You guys voted! Looks like our next themed ‘week’ (maybe fortnight) is Ocean Week. Great choice, lots of cool concepts coming.
  • Mail Week (fortnight) has been a lot of fun, but it’s almost done. I’ve got one post left in it, maybe two depending on how this painting works out. Then we’re done for the month. Ocean Week starts in March.
  • There’s a new article on the site about the mail in Vekllei: I’m going to write one of these for each themed week. It might seem silly to write a whole article about the mail considering more important areas desperately need attention, but as we do more of these themed weeks it’ll fill out the site nicely. These articles aren’t just posts copied and pasted into a long doc; they’re all original content, and link to posts from that week. Check it out!
  • What comes next? Well, for the rest of this month I’ll be getting the next chapter of the comic out and I’ll have one or two regular posts too. Thanks for the patience with the comic; I’ve been doing some experimenting and I’ve got a great “first chapter” coming up.
  • Merch? Working on it. Pins are a fantastic idea, but very expensive at this scale (we’re talking about $500 minimum or so, and I don’t really want to run a store right now!). So I’ll have a poll here soon to figure out what you’d like to see — postcard sets are cheap and fun, but why not tee shirts or other bric a brac?
  • The Atlantic Bulletin? I got swamped with work, and it was a real pain to format for email. But it’s not dead. I’m going to relaunch it as a “whenever I can” periodical with better stuff and original content, rather than just a list of posts of each month. I’ll be looking for contributions too, I’ll let you know when I do.

That’s about it, nice and quick.

Thank you always for your continued support. I can’t wait to get the comic out.

Kind regards,
