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Natural Resources of Vekllei

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This article for now is a reference that assists the development of this site. It remains an inventory of resources until further development.

Production #

Hydrocarbons #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Crude Oil Falklands Basin, Kala offshore, Kairi Basin 60+ billion barrels (proven + probable)
Natural Gas Kairi, Aloubaera, Helvasia offshore, Kala offshore 100+ trillion cubic feet
Coal Helvasia, Aismious 2+ billion tonnes
Peat Falklands, Hetland 500+ million cubic meters
Asphalt Kairi 10+ million tonnes

Metallic Minerals #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Gold Kala, Oslola, Aruba (historical) Significant deposits
Silver Oslola, Kala Medium deposits
Copper Helvasia, Kala Large deposits
Zinc Kala, Helvasia Major deposits
Lead Kala Significant deposits
Iron Ore Kala Large deposits
Titanium Kala Medium deposits
Nickel Kala Medium deposits
Platinum Group Metals Kala Small deposits
Uranium Kala Large deposits

Rare Earth Elements #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Neodymium Kala Large deposits
Dysprosium Kala Large deposits
Terbium Kala Medium deposits
Yttrium Kala Large deposits
Other REEs Kala Significant deposits

Industrial Minerals #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Phosphate Caribbean islands Large deposits
Salt Caicos, Bonaire, Sal Major deposits
Limestone Kalina, Summers, Lucaya Extensive deposits
Pumice Oslola, Canary Islands Large deposits
Sulfur Oslola, Lesser Antilles Medium deposits
Diatomite Oslola Significant deposits
Pozzolana Verde Large deposits
Marble Helvasia Medium deposits
Clay Kairi, various Caribbean islands Large deposits
Aragonite Lucaya Large deposits
Talc Hetland Medium deposits
Gypsum Caribbean islands Medium deposits
Quartz Various volcanic islands Widespread
Basalt Verde, volcanic islands Extensive deposits

Gemstones #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Rubies Kala Significant deposits
Sapphires Kala Small deposits
Diamonds Potential in volcanic pipes Unproven

Marine Resources #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Tuna Multiple EEZs Sustainable yearly catch
Cod Arctic waters Large stocks
Halibut Arctic waters Medium stocks
Haddock North Atlantic Significant stocks
Herring North Atlantic Large stocks
Mackerel Multiple regions Large stocks
Lobster Caribbean, South Atlantic Sustainable stocks
Shrimp Kala waters Large stocks
Squid Falklands waters Large stocks
Krill Sude waters Extensive stocks
Toothfish Southern Ocean Managed stocks
Deep-sea fish Various EEZs Various stocks
Seaweed Multiple regions Extensive
Coral Caribbean reefs Protected resource

Seabed Minerals #

Resource Locations Estimated Quantity
Manganese nodules Azores region Potential large deposits
Polymetallic sulfides Mid-Atlantic Ridge Potential deposits
Cobalt crusts Deep EEZ areas Unquantified
Submarine volcanic deposits Various locations Unquantified

Renewable Energy Resources #

Resource Locations Capacity
Geothermal Oslola, Costa Verde, Terceira, Pico, Faial, Velas, Kabuli, Lucia, Allia, Youloumain, Karu Large potential
Tidal Various locations >5 GW potential
Wave Multiple locations >10 GW potential
Hydroelectric Oslola, Java, various >5 GW potential

Water Resources #

Resource Locations Quantity
Glacial freshwater Kala, Oslola Vast reserves
Natural springs Volcanic islands Significant
Groundwater Various islands Limited
Rainfall catchment Tropical islands Seasonal

Biological Resources #

Resource Locations Notes
Hardwood timber Caribbean islands Limited
Tropical fruits Various tropical islands Cultivated
Coffee Helena, Caribbean Specialty crops
Sugarcane Caribbean islands Agricultural
Spices Caribbean islands Various
Medicinal plants Various locations Multiple species

Construction Materials #

Resource Locations Quantity
Aggregate Multiple islands Extensive
Sand Various locations Large deposits
Gravel Various locations Large deposits
Volcanic stone Volcanic islands Extensive
Construction timber Limited locations Restricted

Strategic Considerations #

  • Total EEZ area: >15 million km²
  • Deep water ports: Multiple strategic locations
  • Natural harbours: Numerous across all regions
  • Shipping lanes: Access to major global routes
  • Strategic chokepoints: Several key locations
  • Research potential: Multiple unique ecosystems


  1. Quantities are estimates based on known deposits and surveys
  2. “Significant” indicates commercially viable quantities
  3. “Large” indicates globally important deposits
  4. Some resources may be currently unexploited
  5. Environmental protections may restrict access to some resources
  6. Many areas require further geological surveys

Global Resource Production Rankings #

Energy Resources #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Oil Production 15th 2.3% Comparable to Algeria
Natural Gas 18th 1.8% Similar to Malaysia
Geothermal Power 3rd 12% Behind USA and Indonesia
Wind Power (offshore) 8th 4.2% High potential for growth
Solar Power 25th 0.8% Limited by land area
Coal 45th <0.1% Minor producer

Mineral Resources #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Rare Earth Elements 2nd 15% Behind only China
Gold 35th 0.5% Minor producer
Silver 40th 0.3% Limited production
Uranium 15th 1.2% Moderate reserves
Phosphate 22nd 0.8% Limited production
Bauxite 28th 0.4% Small producer

Marine Resources #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Fish Catch (Total) 12th 3.5% Major fishing zones
Tuna Production 8th 5.2% Significant EEZ
Shrimp Production 15th 2.1% Including aquaculture
Krill Harvest 2nd 25% South Georgia waters
Squid Catch 5th 8% Falklands waters
Aquaculture 25th 0.6% Growing sector

Industrial Minerals #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Salt 12th 2.8% Multiple producers
Pumice 3rd 15% Volcanic sources
Limestone 35th 0.3% Limited by size
Aragonite 1st 80% Bahamas dominance
Diatomite 8th 4.2% Iceland production

Water Resources #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Desalination Capacity 15th 1.8% Growing sector
Bottled Water 45th 0.2% Premium sources
Freshwater Reserves 3rd 10% Greenland ice sheet

Refining & Processing #

Industry Global Rank % of Global Capacity Notes
Oil Refining 25th 0.8% Caribbean facilities
LNG Processing 20th 1.2% Trinidad based
Fish Processing 10th 3.8% Multiple facilities
REE Processing 3rd 12% Greenland based

Strategic Resources #

Resource Global Rank % of Global Control Notes
EEZ Area 5th 7% Vast marine territory
Shipping Lanes 8th 4% Strategic locations
Deep Water Ports 15th 2% Key facilities
Strategic Chokepoints 10th 3% Important passages

Agricultural Products #

Product Global Rank % of Global Production Notes
Sugar 35th 0.3% Caribbean production
Coffee 45th 0.1% Specialty production
Tropical Fruits 30th 0.4% Limited by area
Spices 25th 0.5% Niche products

Comparative Analysis #

Major Strengths (Top 5 Globally): #

  1. Aragonite Production (1st)
  2. Rare Earth Elements (2nd)
  3. Krill Harvest (2nd)
  4. Geothermal Power (3rd)
  5. Pumice Production (3rd)

Significant Positions (6th-15th Globally): #

  1. Fish Catch
  2. Tuna Production
  3. EEZ Area
  4. REE Processing
  5. Oil Production
  6. Shipping Lane Control
  7. Strategic Chokepoints

Moderate Positions (16th-30th Globally): #

  1. Natural Gas
  2. Oil Refining
  3. Desalination
  4. Uranium
  5. Salt Production

Key Competitive Advantages: #

  1. Strategic Location Control
  2. Marine Resource Access
  3. Rare Earth Element Reserves
  4. Renewable Energy Potential
  5. Processing Infrastructure


  1. Rankings based on current production capacity
  2. Some resources have significant untapped potential
  3. Rankings could improve with infrastructure development
  4. Marine resources particularly strong
  5. Strategic position often exceeds raw production value