NEW Story: Air Escort Destroyer
May Update for Patrons
✿ This letter was sent out to Patrons in May 2021
Hello beloved patrons,
It’s been a little while since my last direct communiqué. I laid off these for a bit, since I realised you probably didn’t need to have your inbox full of blog posts and delay announcements from me. Time better spent drawing I reckon.
I’ve had a couple things going on in my personal life, so I’ve had to put some of my wilder ambitions on hold for a bit. I’m hoping I’m nearing the end of this rough patch and you’ll see some crazy good stuff in future, in addition to regular posts.
This message is just me saying I’m still around, and I’m always thankful. I’ve got a couple really good train posts around the corner. Tzipora loves the trains.
In the meantime, enjoy this picture I made for you.
Warm regards,