NEW 📗Story: Air Escort Destroyer

Jan. Update for Patrons



✿ This letter was sent out to Patrons in January 2021

Hello beloved patrons,

The first chapter of the comic is sketched. You will see it on Monday (about two days from this message). It won’t be inked but it’ll give you a very good idea of what the final chapter will look like at the end of the month. I look forward to reading your feedback, since it’s my first try at this sort of thing (well, minus the dozens of concepts trashed over the previous few months).

Thank you dearly for your patience. It was a source of some trouble for me as I figured out how to put these people and this environment to paper for the first time. It’s come out great – I hope you’ll enjoy it. It took a long time but it’s finally starting. This will be a monthly thing.

In the first chapter you will see trains, planes and automobiles and some great landscapes too.

In other news, the archive on is finally finished. This is a complete collection of all Vekllei posts I have ever posted to reddit, going way back to 2017. Each post had to be painstakingly copied to the site, and it took days. Over 200 posts and pictures. At least it’s done. Let us never speak of it again.

Pencil in Monday on your calendars. How exciting.

Thank you always for your continued support. A mid-month letter will follow soon, as well as a special post.

Much love,
