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Commonwealth Lines

Part of the industry series of articles.

Commonwealth Lines
State Corporation of Vekllei
Parent Ministry of the Commons
Bureau Bureau of Oceans
Industry Shipping
Headquarters Oslola
Founded 2025
Employees 7,500
Traded as CML
Accounted Revenue AK ✾ 90 billion

Commonwealth Lines (CL) is a shipping and logistics company owned by Vekllei through the Bureau of Oceans. It is the largest of the individual shipping corporations in Vekllei, and contributes the bulk of the fleet towards Atlantis, its parent bureau corporation.

CL is about the 16th largest shipping company in the world, and has a fleet of over 150 cargo ships. Of these, 32 are bulk carriers, 30 are rail RO/RO vessels, 22 are container carriers, 18 are service or special-purpose vessels, and five are barges. Its home port is in Dohyo, Oslola, although the company has a major presence in Cama at the headquarters of Atlantis as well.

The line specialises in roll-on, roll-off palletised rail transport that is common in the Vekllei industrial logistics network, particularly across the Vekllei Caribbean. It also traffics substantial raw commodities like oil and bauxite. The oceangoing CL fleet is almost entirely nuclearised, and boasts among the highest average cruising speeds of any transoceanic shipping line.