NEW Story: Lunar Border Patrol

These are good examples of how the basic elements of the student uniform, which is established at the federal level, is adapted by municipal schools for the climate and culture. You can see this practice throughout Vekllei, and reflects their attitudes towards federalism and localist subsidiarity.
Even without accessories, you can see how much variety there is in the basic universal elements. It’s a clever approach, because the uniform is basically the same, but accessorising allows people to celebrate and identify with their local culture. Another example are these Afro-Irish students from the island of Montserrat.
Schools do not restrict hair and jewellery, as long as they are safe for classrooms. Left alone and unhassled, assured by the basic dignity and convenience of a common uniform, you can see how attention to detail even in small matters benefits their lives.
This commitment to dignity is part of what makes Vekllei special, and better resembles a moral outlook than a political belief. You can see it in how they treat children, and how access and quality of education remains such a preoccupation of all levels of government.