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Dallas America

Part of the country series of articles.

Dallas America
Capital Dallas, Texas
Population 103,955,000 (estimate)
Languages English

The War Government of the American Free States (commonly Dallas America or The South) is a secessionist territory in the United States, comprising most of the American South and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. Although ostensibly administered in Dallas, Texas, activities in the secession mostly fall to states which exercise varying levels of control over their jurisdictions and militias. The secession occured in 2058, shortly after the bankruptcy of the Ford Motor Company.

The rebellion against the United States took the form of a quasi-secession driven by a century of neglect, the bankruptcy of the Ford Motor Company, increasing unrest over the employment of Latin Americans in mines and oil fields and the death of a Joe Monroe, baseball star and governor of Texas.1

The uprising had little central coordination and parts of the secessionist territories have seen a collapse in society. Warlordism is commonplace in the east, along the frontiers of the secession in Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. Ethnic cleansing is increasingly common and backed by indiscriminate violence. Fighting has been paused since February 2059, when a ceasefire has allowed talks to resume around reintegration into the United States, although sporadic, uncoordinate fighting and raids continue. There is currently tacit cooperation with the US between fighting over control of key infrastructure like nuclear sites and missile silos.

The future of the secession is uncertain and provokes bitter debate within the territories. Texas remains the most properous of the secessionist states and largely supports its neighbours, but territories on the periphery have been ruined by war and insecurity.

  1. Joe Monroe was a significant bipartisan presence in US politics for over a decade. His sudden death in 2057 deeply affected Texas, which saw him as a champion for southern prosperity and autonomy in the union. ↩︎