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The Borough of Troll

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Overview #

This article is about a borough of Vekllei

The borough of Troll is an administrative region in southwest Vekllei, located in the Lava Region directly north of the glacier of Vatnayoskusl. Situated on the sloping north face of the Vekllei Glacier Highlands, the borough is home to several outlet glaciers flowing out of Vatnayoskusl’s ice cap.

Troll is sparsely-populated, and only includes the minor town of Troll and several smaller informal settlements. It is also highly volcanic, and home to the Houismey volcano and dozens of hotspots and mineral springs.

The human royals may be long dead, but Vekllei’s flowering petticoat society retains a monarch β€” the literal physical presence of the land.

VNR Orange

Etymology #

Trolls are human-sized creatures with rough grey skin and black eyes described by Vekllei sagas. They live in mountains and glaciers, where they hide in caves. If they are caught in daylight, they turn to stone. According to the sagas, the bodies of trolls eventually became the drumlins that litter Vekllei’s mossy plains.

Per the legends of the sagas, the borough of Troll was the site of a troll city, which was destroyed by lava spirits. This fact contributed to its naming upon its incorporation in the early 19th Century.

History #

Of course I’ve met a troll. It was one of the nicest creatures I’ve ever met.

Tzipora Desmoisnes

Although Troll has a signicant cultural history within Vekllei, it is a relatively recent borough. The town of Troll received a trading license in 1823, which is considered its founding as a borough. Little is recorded about its settlement prior to its incorporation, but it is known that nomadic Algic Vekllei had remained in the area for hundreds, if not thousands of years prior.

Although an important cultural site in Upen, the area around Troll is highly volcanic and spiritually complicated, and its status as isolated, resource-poor land prevented permanent settlement for most of Vekllei’s history.

Postwar Development #

Troll has overall shrunk in population since the war, when many of its able-bodied adults moved to the urban coasts in search of employment. Since the late 2050s, the borough has seen a minor revitalisation after the establishment of the Vekllei Highlands Bullet Train, which links it to the larger boroughs on the coast. The economic changes under floral society have also benefited rural boroughs like Troll, since industry is less dependent on proximity to business.

In 2036, a major eruption from the Houismeyvik volcano disrupted air travel in Vekllei and Western Europe for eighteen days.

Geography #

Troll is situated in the heart of Vekllei’s volcanic highlands, surrounded by minor glaciers and meltwater rivers. It is an extraordinarily pretty borough, and is a place of dramatic hues that shift with the landscape. From its main population centre, the town of Troll, the Vatnayoskusl Glacier is visible. Its water is some of the cleanest in the world, and highly prized overseas as a health tonic.

Houismey Volcano #

The Houismey Volcano, called Houismeyvik in Vekllei, is a basaltic volcano located to the north-west of an outlet glacier called Vosmaspesteh. It is a subglacial volcano situated underneath the surface, and the intersection of magma and meltwater causes phreatomagmatic explosions that can trigger eruptions. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Vekllei, though the size of its eruptions remain small.

Troll National Park #

The Troll National Park is one of seventy-two national parks in Vekllei. As a National Park, rather than a Crown Land, it is designed for human visitation and operated by Parks of Vekllei. It is located in the southwest of the borough, and its facilities include boardwalks, rest stops, and hiking trails. It is also the end point of the Vatnayoskusl Track, an extreme hiking trail that crosses the glacier.

Troll Lava Fields #

The Troll Lava Fields are a series of flat extinguished lava flows, which are the site of Vekllei’s last troll city. They can be found north of Houismeyvik, and are part of the Troll Crown Land and Troll National Park. Although they are well-known within Vekllei, they are considered a site desecrated by the spirits and most visitors to the area are from overseas.

Infrastructure #

Troll is a minor borough that is mostly resource-poor. Its major contribution to the coasts is its abundance of clean fresh water that flows out of Vekllei’s largest glacier, Vatnayoskusl. Although little of the glacier itself is located in Troll, most of its rivers and outlet glaciers flow through the borough, and so Troll’s largest industries are supported by the Hydroburo’s vested concerns in the area.

Troll High-Speed Rail Depot #

As a midpoint of the Vekllei Highlands Bullet Train, an auxiliary bullet train depot and maintenance yard was established in the town of Troll. As the final developed borough before the expansive Vatnayoskusl Glacier, the maintenance yard is situated well to repair trains damaged by ice and water.

Vekllei Geological Survey Station #

The Volcanoes Bureau and Geological Survey monitor volcanic activity in Vekllei, and have several minor research outposts established outside of and within Troll’s glacial territory. The borough’s vicinity to the Houismey volcano is of particular interest, and contributes to Vekllei’s ongoing research into seismic activity in Vekllei.

Troll Water Treatment Plant #

Troll’s location at the base of the Vatnayoskusl Glacier makes it a strategic site for the processing of freshwater runoff, which feeds Vekllei’s residential water systems. In 2066, the Troll Water Treatment Plant was established to support ageing plants in Voya Voya and Guisimaya. The Troll Water Treatment Plant is operated by the Water Commission of Vekllei (Hydroburo).

Towns #

  • Troll
  • Vatnayoskusl
  • Troll-Misya

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