NEW 📗Story: Wristwatch

Wake-class Patrol Motor Launch

Wake-class Patrol Motor Launch
Class Wake-class
Type Motor Launch
Built 2032-present
Home Station N.S. Kairi
Crew 1/3
Displacement 50 tons
Length 21 meters
Speed 30 knots
No. in service 12

The Wake-class Patrol Motor Launch (PMLs) is a class of patrol boat of the Littoral Service of the Marine Services of Vekllei. They patrol coastal areas in Vekllei archipelagos, and serve policing and generalised roles in their communities. Unusually for a naval craft,PMLs are designed to be operated by a crew of three, and can even be crewed by a single competent officer. In this capacity, they are not just naval ships but also the home of their CO, and as such the habitation of the ship is much improved compared to other littoral service vessels.

The class is equipped with a single 12.7mm gun in a raised barbette, and also carries small arms for the crew to aid policing roles. They are not typically used for counter-smuggling or territorial defence missions however, and spend more of their time anchored off smaller islands holding conversation with locals. In this sense, the vessel serves as a transport for its staff and aids their shore-based policing.

Two Caribmarine diesel engines provide about 200bhp per engine, controlled directly from the bridge. Although they are designed for coastal service, they are capable of sea crossings with a crew of 3 or more, and as such can reach any part of the country as required.

Provided the commanding officer is effective, they maintain some claim to ownership over their vessel, and can retain the craft upon retirement. This reflects the intimate and prolonged natures of their service, and the unique role they play in the littoral service.

Home Ports

Anguilla Annobon Bahama Caicos Caimanas Curateo Grenadines Helvasia Hetland Kala Principe Sude