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Commonwealth Securities Exchange

Commsec is part of the Ministry of Commerce
Read more: Finance in Vekllei

The Commonwealth Securities Exchange (Commsec, or CSX) is a government corporation that operates the national securities and commodities market in Vekllei. It is supervised by the Bureau of Securities. The corporation is itself listed on the CSX.

The CSX is measured by two common indexes: the CSX All Ordinaries and the CRC/CSX 50.

  • The CSX All Ordinaries index lists the top 500 constituents by market capitalisation, reflecting the size of the overall CSX share market.
  • The CRC/CSX 50 indexes only the top 50 constituents and implements liquidity requirements to improve tradability and act as a benchmark for investor returns.

The All Ordinaries is rebalanced annually, whereas the CRC/CSX 50 is rebalanced quarterly.

The CSX maintains systems to aid foreign investment, and is often characterised as the entry point to the Vekllei industrial economy. Since most Vekllei people are unbanked and do not handle money, the CSX is primarily a mechanism for government, industry, and private foreign investors.

Executive Council #

Constituent Markets #

  • CSX Equity Market: 8th-largest equity market worldwide, with an average of ❦VK 700 billion secondary trading daily. The CSX equity market currently retains a market capitalisation of ❦VK 600 trillion.
  • CSX Bond Market: 4th-largest debt market worldwide, trading mostly foreign debt held by Vekllei companies.
  • CSX Derivatives Market: 4th-largest derivates market worldwide.
  • CSX Foreign Exchange Market: 6th-largest currency exchange in the world by global turnover, and the Vekllei Crown (❦VK) and U.S. Dollar are the 5th most traded currency pair.

Boards & Commissions #

  • Commonwealth Sovereign Wealth Corporation: State investment corporation that acts as a sovereign wealth fund.