NEW Story: Wristwatch

Every Vekllei student gets a wristwatch.
Every Vekllei student gets a watch at 16, and are taught how to use it. The designs change each year.
Notice the inlaid rubies across the seven time zones Vekllei spans. A really good example of the subtle ways the Commonwealth government inspires a common identity across its nearly 80 disparate island republics.
Federal Timekeeping is actually a municipal corporation, which means it is federated across many different watch brands and workshops.
The “Federal” brand is used only for government watches – usually military, but in this case for students too.
To read the watch:
The 24-hour ring moves each hour, so you need to know which time zone you’re looking for, and you can see the current time there.
i.e. I want to know the time in Melbourne. Melbourne is in the same time zone as Sydney, and you can see on the 24 hour ring it is 10am there
Using this watch, and accounting for daylight savings, you can tell the time anywhere in the world. Particularly useful for a country that spans seven different time zones.