NEW 📗Story: Wristwatch

Announcing Tzipo-stcards

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hello everyone. Just a little update.

As a way of thanking my Patrons, I’m taking some time over the next two weeks or so to create a little set of Tzipora postcards and send them out as gifts.

How many cards will the set contain?

I’m aiming for about six cards.

How much money would you need to have forked over to get some?

I think about $20 over your pledge lifetime would cover print and shipping, though I’ll let you know if that goes up or down. I’m hoping to cover shipping, so you’ll just need to supply an address.

What if I haven’t yet pledged enough?

If you’re a Patron who hasn’t yet pledged the $20 or whatever it is to cover print and shipping, just contact me and I’ll make… alternative arrangements for you. Don’t worry — if you want the cards, you won’t miss out.

Who would even want these?

People who like cute 6x4” illustrations on nice card stock will like them.

It’s a good time to plug my Patreon if you’ve got some government stimulus bux floating around — link here. It produces enormous pressure for me to create new work and art, so if you’re a fan of what I do it’s a good way to position yourself as an investor and get on my ass about posting more.

Speaking of posts, there’s one coming tomorrow or the day after.

Thanks always, and best wishes.
