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Naval Station Antigua

This article is about a location in Vekllei

Naval Station Falklands, located in Stanley Harbour on East Falkland Island, is a major Vekllei military facility of the Marine Services in the South Atlantic. Originally established by the British in the mid-19th century, the station served as a coaling and resupply point for whalers, explorers and naval ships patrolling the distant seas around Cape Horn and the Southern Ocean.

In current service, it remains an important military facility for the Vekllei Antarctic and South Atlantic. It also provides a military basis for the continued Vekllei claim over the sovereignty of the Falklands, which remains in dispute with Argentina. Both the maritime and littoral services frequently encounter Argentina naval vessels in the waters around the islands, and in this sense the station represents a military commitment to their independence and sovereignty.

The station has several unique facilities, including a cold-weather warfare research and training centre (run by the DSRE and a drydock capable of servicing icebreakers and patrol vessels for Antarctic missions. An extension of the facility hosts the headquarters of the Antarctic Division of the LSRE. which is focused on marine conservation and environmental monitoring in the surrounding sub-Antarctic waters.