NEW 📗Story: Airlift

United States of America

Part of the country series of articles.

United States of America
Capital Washington, D.C.
Population 436,839,200 (de jure), 332,884,200 (effective)
Languages English, Spanish, French, many others

The United States of America (commonly United States, USA, US or just America) is a country in North America, comprising a contiguous from the northern Mexican border and the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic. It is the largest country in the world, and is among the most powerful countries on Earth. It accounts for most of the world’s industrial capacity, and maintains among the largest standing armed forces.

Since 2058, the United States has grappled with a violent secession crisis in Dallas America, which has destabilised much of its industrial economy and provoked violence throughout the secessionist territories. Since February 2059, a ceasefire and lend-lease agreement over nuclear strategic nuclear sites has stabilised day-to-day life somewhat, but the situation remains precarious.