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Constitution of Vekllei

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The Constitution of Vekllei, also known as the Floral Constitution, was the foundational text for a new Commonwealth after British administration ended in 2015. It was developed by the Council of Roses and ratified in August 2015.



  • to bring peace to Commonwealth sovereign constituents twice destroyed in the pursuit of war, and
  • to establish a new way of living worthy of a commitment in peace, and
  • to protect the equal rights of men and women, and the dignity and worth of the human person, and
  • to achieve equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms, and
  • to provide for the material and spiritual needs necessary in the aim of a commitment to dignity,


  • to unite the languages, culture, and races of the Public under a democratic and prosperous society, and
  • to protect the supremacy of the constitution and the rule of law, and
  • to guarantee universal adult suffrage, and
  • to defend these values unwaveringly by all means available to its councils and government.


Article 1 #

  1. The Commonwealth of Vekllei is one sovereign, democratic state within the framework of international law, founded on the following values:
    1. Human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms.
    2. Non-racialism and non-sexism.
    3. Supremacy of the constitution and the rule of law.
    4. Universal adult suffrage, a national common voters roll, regular elections and a multiparty system of democratic government, to ensure accountability, responsiveness and openness.
  2. The territory of the Commonwealth is inviolable.

Article 2 #

  1. The principle of government is a federal Directory of elected peers called the Commonwealth Directory, representing the disparate communities that make up the unitary Commonwealth.

    1. The Directory consists of representatives of each Constituent as free republics, and dependent or autonomous territories.
    2. Other territories retain permanent status in the Directory and may table motions with agreement of a Constituent.
  2. The Commonwealth Directorate is advised by a Cabinet of peers to provide opinion and expertise, called the Cabinet.

  3. The Commonwealth Directorate and Cabinet combined form the Commonwealth Council, which is the supreme executive of the Commonwealth.

  4. The Commonwealth is a State under the rule of law, committed to fundamental freedoms and rights.

Article 3 #

The executive power is exercised by the Council as a single body where Commonwealth jurisdiction applies. The Council has power over national and municipal parliaments.

Article 4 #

The legislative power is jointly exercised by Constituent National Assemblies and the Commonwealth Senate, with special powers provisioned for the Senate as a supreme legislative body.

Article 5 #

The judiciary power is exercised by the courts and tribunals.

Article 6 #

The separation of the administrative, legislative and judiciary functions is guaranteed.

Article 7 #

  1. The standard of the Commonwealth is the Sovereign Crown.

  2. The Commonwealth Flag consists of an arctic rosette, depicted as 6 petals, printed in gold on a crimson background.

  3. The use of the flag, standard and official symbols of the Commonwealth is governed by the Flag Ordinance dated 4th March 2015.

Article 8 #

  1. The Commonwealth has 16 official languages, with protections for their use and preservation.

  2. The official written language is Veletian.1

  3. The official language of international commerce and business is English.

Article 9 #

The Commonwealth is a secular state and has no state religion. Religion is separated from public life and affairs. Protections are included for traditional and folk religions of Commonwealth communities.

  1. Recognised traditional faiths include folk Oslolan spiritualism, Kalina local faiths and the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religions.


Article 10 #

  1. Constituents of the Commonwealth provide two representatives to the Directory as Prime Ministers. The Ministers practice equal power and make decisions as a single office (Sord).

  2. The Sord are citizens elected by the National Assembly of their constituent republic and consist of one man and one woman.

Article 11 #

The Seat of Commonwealth Government is Comet, in the Meteor Administrative Region.

Article 12 #

The Commonwealth Directorate is chaired by the Oslolan Sord, and chairmanship will pass to the right each year provided the incoming Sord is a Constituent.

Article 13 #

The Council Chair represents the Commonwealth in its relations with foreign powers.

  1. Individual Sords will conduct relations with foreign powers as a subordinate, pertaining to the best interests of Constituents as required.

  1. Veletian, or Commonwealth Script, is a simplified form of Oslolan written language. ↩︎