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Municipalities in Vekllei


Part of the government series of articles.

Read more: The Good, The Municipal
Municipalities are the bedrock of sundress municipalism, and a physical feature of everyday Vekllei life. A municipality refers to both a local council and its services, including libraries, schools, and policemen.

Municipalities in Vekllei are the predominant form of local government, and vary dramatically in scale, power and resources. They usually refer to council municipalities, which are bodies of elected industrial and political leaders of a community. This open-ended definition means that municipalities scale in Vekllei from tiny villages to major metropolitan areas.

Municipalities are the basis of Vekllei localism, a belief in local concern and decentralised decision-making. In general, Vekllei municipalism describes the places where society in abstract meets the individual, and so also has cultural and aesthetic qualities. The sum of a municipality is expressed in the Atlantic Municipalist tradition, which consists of the following principles:

Principles of Atlantic Municipalism

  1. Local employment, or โ€œcommutelessness.โ€
  2. Slumlessness, beautification, and a will to architecture.
  3. Property stewardship.
  4. Open air and clean water.
  5. Land usefulness (“friendliness”).
  6. Private ownership of private needs.
  7. Public ownership of public needs.

There are 14,000 municipalities across the Commonwealth. The usage of ‘municipal’ can refer to a political council or the spirit of Atlantic Municipalism.