NEW Story: Wristwatch
Bureau of Accreditation
Table of Contents
This bureau is part of the Ministry of the Commonwealth
The Accreditation Directorate (also Qualifications Vekllei or VAD) is a transnational auditor of industrial, commercial and academic qualifications in Vekllei. VAD also develops technical and procedural standards for its responsible commercial and industrial partners. VAD also interfaces directly with international standards organisations on behalf of its subordinate auditors.
Standards in education for teachers and staff are generally developed and audited by the Commonwealth Education Secretariat.
VDA also maintains a catalogue of products and technical manuals available to industry partners, and enforces compliance for industrial and commercial standards through its subordinate inspectorate.
The Accreditation Directorate also represents Vekllei in the International Organisation for Standardisation and other industrial standards bodies.
Vekllei Qualifications Commission #
The Vekllei Qualifications Commission (ADQC) is the primary research organ of the VAD, and develops most of the qualifications standards and procedure policies of government ministries and state assets. Its research is primarily commercial and industrial, since civil service qualifications are generally developed by the Standardisations Directorate.
Vekllei Industrial Audit Committee #
The Vekllei Industrial Audit Committee (ADIA) is the primary audit and survey body of heavy and chemical industries, and is made up of representatives and technical representatives from its responsible industries. The Industrial Audit Committee also conducts most industrial audits, escalating breaches to the Inspectorate only where criminal prosecution is required.
Vekllei Commons Audit Committee #
The Vekllei Commons Audit Committee (ADCA) is the primary audit and survey body of commercial organisations and laboratories. Like VADIAC, the Commons Audi Committee is a civilian auditor made up of industry representatives and forwards criminal breaches towards the Inspectorate.
Inspectorate Vekllei #
The Vekllei Inspectorate surveys and audits technical standards in business, research and industry for the Interior Parliament as the law-enforcement arm of the Accreditation Directorate. Breaches of Commonwealth standards are generally prosecuted in the Commonwealth Courts by the INSTA and COMSTA arms of Standards Vekllei.
The Inspectorate acts an appeals board for civil breaches of VAD technical standards. It includes the following groups.
- Survey and Testing Group: Superior investigative outfit designed to investigate breaches of technical standards.
- Industrial and Laboratory Safety Group: Specialised health and safety compliance investigation.
- Legal Group: Legal advisory office for prosecuting domestic breaches and preparing reports for Commonwealth prosecution.