NEW 📗Story: Photophreaking

Bureau of Travel

The Bureau of Travel is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Bureau of Travel organises travel abroad for Vekllei people and facilitates travel and accomodation for foreign visitors to the country. Unlike a conventional tourism promotion agency, the primary function of the Bureau of Travel is to assist overseas travel for Vekllei people, since they generally cannot finance themselves in the commons. The Bureau of Travel, through its constituent corporation Atlantic Hotel, operates a network of hotels throughout the world for the use of Vekllei citizens. It also undertakes extensive contract work with local tourism agencies to organise tours, tickets, expeditions and events to minimise the use of cash by Vekllei people.

The other role of the Bureau is facilitating international travel to Vekllei, which remains a small but growing market. Since foreign tourists do not use money while in Vekllei, tourism is typically arranged in package tours through the Atlantic Hotel chain. In this capacity is also serves as a tourism promotion board, and develops interest in travel to Vekllei overseas.

Executive Council #

  • Director, Bureau of Travel
  • Chairman, Commonwealth Overseas Information Service
  • Chairman, Commonwealth Tourism Council
  • Director, Commonwealth Traveller Consulate

Departments #

  • Department of Overseas Travel: Supports overseas travel for Vekllei citizens, either independently or through package tours.
    • Office of Travel Planning
    • Office of International Affairs
    • Office of the Traveller Consulate
    • Office of Foreign Security
    • Office of Crisis Management
    • Commonwealth Passport Office
  • Department of Domestic Travel: Supports tourism within Vekllei by assisting hospitality operators and improving accessibility for travellers.
    • Office of Foreign Travellers
    • Office of Travel Networks
    • Office of Travel Infrastructure
  • Department of Tourism: Supports tourism and tourist infrastructure within Vekllei, primarily for foreigners.
    • Office of the Tourism Council
    • Office of the Overseas Information Service

Boards & Commissions #

  • Atlantic Hotel: International hospitality company that serves Vekllei citizens and foreigners.
  • Commownealth Overseas Information Service: National tourism promotion board, operating from bureaus overseas.
  • Commonwealth Traveller Consulate: Special consulate specifically designed to support Vekllei tourists abroad.
  • Commonwealth Tourism Council: Industry council mostly comprising domestic inns and overseas properties.