NEW ๐Ÿ“—Story: Photophreaking โŒ


Baron lo Ula de Tiria Spector is Tzipora’s guardian in on way or another. Whether he’s a surrogate father, adoptive parent, mentor or friend, his title is unclear but their relationship is fairly straightforward. Tzipora lives with him in Seispri and his relationship with her is both paternal and respectful as an equal.

Baron has spent most of his life abroad in some capacity in service of his government, and has few personal connections in Vekllei. He is a distant and serious person, but also mild and unopinionated. He is good at what he does.

  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ Name: Baron Azela
  • ๐Ÿ’ผ Occupation: Director of Operations, Section 12, Home Office at National Intelligence
  • ๐Ÿ  Residence: Seispri, Borough of Lola, Oslola, Vekllei
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Age: 41

Baron is a Jewish man of middle age with a controlled posture. He has facial hair somewhere between bristle and beard, and a mane of greying brown hair. He is otherwise unremarkable, of about average height and weight, and blends into a crowd easily.

He is not a man of strong opinions in domestic concerns, and dresses for work even on his days off. Most commonly he is depicted with a suit or sports coat and tie. He smokes a wood pipe at home and cigarettes going out.


Baron can be hard to get a read on, but he is not that complicated. His life and lifestyle are informed by his history, both here and abroad. He is basically a lonely figure, neither cynical nor optimistic, neither obedient nor rebellious, navigating his serious responsibilities with competence. His beliefs basically reflect his country’s values, if not quite their civilian aspirations.

Tzipora’s eccentricity cuts through a lot of this sober attitude, and it’s obvious they like spending time together. Tzipora is not that much younger than Baron was when he enlisted with the territorial service, and he has many things in common with her. She is not a needy person and they learn from each other, both trying to figure out how to live their new domestic lives.

He has a warm, platonic relationship with Ayn, who completes their household. They have a long history together at different distances, but are important parts of each others lives now.